~The Letter of Amadeus~
(Scintillating Thoughts)
Witticisms, Gems & Aphorisms
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There is no need for a loss of hope, but rather a knowledge of trial and error. Trial and error informs us that life isn't concluded at overwhelmingly distressing situations or chapters, but by the wisdom you have to change it. It doesn't always happen over night, but the ideas can.
​It doesn't matter who has left you, all that matters is your resilience to keep going until better people come. You have an inability to control whether people stay with you or not, but you do possess the ability to control whether you let go of resilience or hold tightly to it.
You can't change people from being people, and you can't change peace from being peace. Meaning, people may never change their ways, yet peace will always leave you undisturbed.
Stay away from what psychologically harms you. If your mind is destroyed, your daily life is also.
Having knowledge of what's hurting you will usually help you deal with it better. If you're dealing with depression, agony, frustration etc., learning about what they are will bring you a peaceful healing. This will also heighten your confidence in everyday life as well.
It'll be less burdensome when you realize there are motivational forces behind the behavior and thoughts of people. Stop getting upset with people, but rather pinpoint their motivational force.
The biases of people didn't commence with you, neither will they conclude with you.
Beauty gets outdated and depending on how appealing the communication is, will determine how quickly this beauty expires. Meaning, after the beauty creates the attraction, character determines its length.
A person's character is revealed through communication and actions. Never make a mistake choosing anyone based on beauty alone, because heartbreak subtly invades.
Aside from physical attraction, high value people should be decided by discernment, not by superficiality alone. You should always go for what you want, but remain cognizant of what you need.
Help yourself by the hurt you have. Use the hurt you have to help hinder additional circumstances of similarity from becoming a reality.
Being fatigued by life can transform you into a person you’ve never intended to become. Don't allow exhaustion to change you for the worse. Be wise and rest, not just physically, but emotionally as well.
Those people who've done you wrong have realized the error in their psychological mindset. You were different, not a demon. People misconstrue things they cannot discern.
Stop apologizing for the blemishes you have, even your blemishes can be a blessing to someone. Your imperfections can help heal someone. You are not a mistake, but rather a treasure rare to the perception.
When you have good intentions, the absent never decides your worth, your worth decides the absent.
Validation from people can feel like amazing victories; however, if validation never comes from peers or those around you, victory is still in attendance.
Triumphant are the people who are resilient, those who won’t allow perilous times to persuade emotional change for the worse.
Wisdom doesn't stop pain from attending, but rather mitigates and heals when it does arrive.